
What Makes a Good Leader?

June 23rd 2024

2 minutes read

What Makes a Good Leader?
Written by LiveLink
June 23rd 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutes

What Makes A Good Leader?

There are going to be 101 opinions about what makes a good leader – some good, some awful.

We’ve all worked for someone that loved to micromanage. That person that literally stood over your shoulder checking every minute detail of your work. That knew to the second when you arrived and left the office or how long you’d taken to fill the kettle.

Or the boss that ‘led’ with a rod of iron and everyone was terrified of them. Or was the other way and couldn’t make a decision to save their life.  Telling people what they thought they wanted to hear. A recipe for disaster.

Leadership is the invisible thread that weaves together the fabric of any successful small business.

As a business owner, your role extends far beyond managing operations and finances. That’s your job.  It’s about inspiring your team, fostering a cohesive work environment, and ultimately, delivering exceptional care to your clients.

Qualities of a Good Leader

So what are the qualities of a good leader?

Empathy reigns supreme. Understanding challenges, celebrating successes, and being genuinely invested in the well-being of the team fosters a sense of trust and loyalty. Transparency follows closely—keeping communication channels open and honest cultivates a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and informed.

Transparency is a tough one for any business owner as you’re laying yourself bare. And there will always be someone that wants to pull that apart. But they’re not the right people you want in your business.

Decisiveness tempered with humility is another key trait. Small businesses thrive on quick decision-making, but it’s essential to admit mistakes and correct them when needed. Vision and passion –  sharing a clear vision for the business future and igniting passion in your team creates a unified sense of purpose.


On the flip side, micromanagement. No one in this world likes to be micromanaged and it’s a sure-fire way to hack off your team. It can stifle creativity and breed resentment. Trusting your team’s expertise and empowering them to take initiative fosters a dynamic work environment. Lack of communication is equally detrimental; keeping employees in the dark leads to confusion and disengagement. Tell them what’s happening!

Avoiding feedback is another no-no. Constructive feedback—given and received—nurtures professional growth and strengthens team dynamics. Lastly, inconsistency breeds uncertainty. Consistency in decision-making and behavior builds trust and stability within your business.

Impact on Employees and Business

Imagine walking into a business where every team member radiates enthusiasm and expertise every single day. (I wish!) Good leadership transforms a group of individuals into a cohesive unit, enhancing efficiency and elevating client care standards. Employees feel motivated, appreciated, and empowered to deliver their best, which directly translates into superior service for your clients.

Clients benefit from a well-led business through consistent quality of care, seamless service delivery, and a welcoming atmosphere that reflects your business’ values. They become loyal advocates, spreading the word about their positive experiences.

Personal Touch

Above all, good leadership impacts individuals on a personal level. Giving yourself will  boost morale, and create a nurturing environment where each team member feels valued and supported. This sense of belonging fuels not only their career satisfaction but also their commitment to the business success.

Remember, leadership isn’t just about managing (that’s just a word in a job description )—it’s about inspiring and guiding others towards a shared vision of excellence.

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