
How To Answer The Phone

October 1st 2024

By: LiveLink

How To Answer the Phone Well


As a small business owner, you will wear many hats, but one of the most important is being the voice of your business. When a client calls, it’s not just a call—it’s an opportunity. How you answer the telephone can set the tone for your entire relationship with that client.

I can hear you saying, but I know how to answer the phone. Click answer and say hello.

Well, that’s ok when your Mum rings, but it won’t wash when it’s a potential client.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure you’re making the most of every call.

Promptly Answer the Call

First impressions matter. Answering the phone promptly—ideally within the first three rings—shows the caller that their time is valuable to you. It conveys efficiency and readiness, suggesting that your business is organised and responsive. Letting the phone ring endlessly can give the impression of disinterest or disorganisation and you’re instantly on the back foot.

Use a Friendly and Professional Greeting

Your greeting sets the tone for the entire conversation. A warm, friendly, and professional greeting will immediately put the caller at ease. Try something like, “Good morning! Thank you for calling [Your Business Name], this is [Your Name], how can I help you today?” This approach is courteous and opens the door for a positive interaction. Quite often the caller won’t actually hear most of this, but it’s better than a loud ‘hello’.

Attentive and Listen Actively

You will have heard the term active listening many times I’m sure. You’re probably saying, of course I listen – what are you talking about. But that’s not always true. We mostly listen whilst thinking about what we’re going to say so not giving the caller 100% attention. And that’s where the errors start. Active listening is crucial. Show the caller that you’re fully engaged by listening to their concerns without interrupting. Nod along if you’re face-to-face or use verbal affirmations like “I see” or “I understand.” This makes the caller feel valued and heard. Avoid distractions; the person on the other end can often sense if you’re multitasking. I bet everyone has had a conversation with someone when you know they’re sending an email at the same time as there are pauses and you’re tempted to ask if they’re still there?

Involve the Caller in the Conversation

Engage the caller by asking relevant questions and repeating back what they’ve said to confirm understanding. This not only shows that you’re paying attention but also ensures that you’re on the same page. For example, “So, you’re looking for information about how we can help you, correct?” This keeps the conversation dynamic and interactive.

Avoid Long Pauses

Long pauses are my bete noir. Silence can be uncomfortable and may make the caller feel neglected. If you need a moment to find information, let the caller know what you’re doing. For instance, “Let me pull up your details, this will just take a moment.” Keeping the caller informed maintains the flow of the conversation and reassures them that they haven’t been forgotten.

Provide Clear and Concise Information

When giving information, be clear and concise. Overloading the caller with too much detail can be overwhelming. Break down information into manageable chunks and check for understanding as you go. Ask if they have any questions or if they need further clarification.

End the Call on a Positive Note

Always close the call positively. Thank the caller for their time and express your willingness to assist them further. A closing like, “Thank you for calling, [Caller’s Name]. If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to call us back. Have a great day!” leaves a lasting positive impression.

Why Friendliness Matters

Friendliness is so important as it demonstrates to the caller that you’re not a robot reading from a script. It builds rapport and clients will come back time and time again just because you made them feel welcome.

Answering the telephone might seem simple, but each step plays a critical role in creating a positive client experience. Everyone wants to feel special. And making someone feel special is just as important in a phone call.

How will you make your callers feel special?

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