
Is it Easy To Set Up a Remote Reception Service?

March 10th 2020

By: LiveLink

Is it Easy To Set Up?

To set up a service with a remote reception is very simple. You would receive what we call a divert number so that the remote reception system recognizes the company calling in. This means the company can answer the call in the correct company name.

There is no need to change your phone number. This is a separate number that links to your existing advertised telephone number.  It may need a call to the telephone provider to activate the divert facility.  This will usually be a free service and take up to 24 hours.

The remote reception company would gather information from you about you, your company, your business. Anything you would like your clients and callers to know about. That is inputted onto a system linked to the telecom system. When a call is received, the operator has all the correct information to hand.

To divert calls, it’s either call forward on your mobile or your telecom system.  It may require a short piece of code tapped into the phone if it’s a BT phone of similar.  This allows you to divert the calls to the divert number. The client is always in control of this. The service can put onto divert and removed when you want to. For a virtual number and a web-based number, there may be a web portal and the number can be diverted within the portal. It’s that simple.

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