
What Is Call Answering

June 28th 2020

By: LiveLink

What is call answering?

Call answering is a company that answers calls for businesses remotely. The operators could be anywhere in the world. They work independently from the companies they are answering the calls for. Calls are answered in the company name. The operator will take name, number, and a message. This is emailed immediately to the company that the call was for.
Call answering companies can be a large call centre working from a large office, to a small team. Small teams generally work from a small office or home office.
Call centres will have hundreds of operators waiting to take your call. Calls are answered in rotation and by one of many operators. This will be very scripted. They will take a message, answer a basic question, and then send the message to you for you to respond to in your own time. That’s basic call answering.
More advanced call answering will do more with a call. Operators may also be in a large office with hundreds of operators. They will take more information than a basic message taker. Calls can be transferred. The call centre operates as a virtual switchboard.
Specialist call answering, or call management is the most bespoke service. It’s generally operated by smaller teams or even a team of people working from home offices.
This will be unscripted. Operators work as if they’re in your office or reception. There’s more flexibility with a bespoke service. The ability to make bookings and appointments. Fulfil orders. Make follow-up and customer care calls. The service will be personal and the operators will get to know both the client and the callers. A specialist team will be more knowledgeable and experienced as they will not be reading directly from a script.  They will understand your business and be proactive rather than reactive.

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