
Professional Practice Management System

  • The Total Appointment Booking System
  • The Complete Insurance Management System
  • The Admin Management System
  • Rapid Follow-up Method
  • The Patient Reclamation Programme – Rekindling Patient Loyalty

Do you remember the day you decided to open your own clinic? The excitement and anticipation that you felt. The desire to help people who were in pain live an active and fulfilling life. And to plough your own furrow and live life on your terms.

Sometimes the reality doesn’t match the dream and you end up working much longer hours than you ever did when you were employed AND for less money. Living life on your own terms is not quite so attractive as you’d once imagined.

The realisation that you’re not only having to keep up to date with clinic practices and methods, but you must wear so many other hats now too. Suddenly you’re learning how to be the customer service expert, an administrator and practice manager, a marketeer and sales guru, a website designer PLUS do the day job.

This is why we designed the Professional Practice Management System. A complete system to support you to grow your clinic. A system that will take all the back-office tasks away from you leaving you to do what you do best – treating your patients.

What is this system and how will it help you?

There are 4 parts to it. They can either be taken as a whole package or you can pick and choose which ones you need.

The Total Appointment Booking System Incorporating Cancellation and Wait List Management
The Complete Insurance Management System
The Admin Management System
Rapid Follow-up Method
The Patient Reclamation Programme – Rekindling Patient Loyalty
On Demand (Swift) Support
Click to know more

The Total Appointment Booking System

The Total Appointment Booking System includes our Cancellation and Wait List Management Service. It’s our complete package that will make sure your clinic is full and your diary optimised.

It will provide your patients with quick and easy access to the information that they need to make a booking at your clinic. It will improve your patient experience and they will feel more confident in your care.

A regular flow of patients is the lifeblood of your clinic. Missing calls and responding to voicemail messages several hours after they have been left is not only stressful for you, but will mean that you are constantly firefighting. By the time you have responded to the message, they may already have made an appointment with your competitor.

We will

  • Check Book, re-schedule and cancel appointments on the phone or live chat
  • Check Take payments and deposits
  • CheckCancel and move clinics at short notice
  • Check Fill gaps in your diary and late cancellations using your system wait-list facility
  • CheckFollow up cancellations to encourage re-booking
Sign-up here

The Complete Insurance Management System

  • We register your details
  • Submit your invoice to the insurers
  • Process and monitor the payment
  • Upload ongoing reports
  • Request additional appointment authorisations

The Admin Management System

We are here to help you with a wide range of tasks, including administrative tasks such as managing your emails and enquiries, transcribing your patient notes, organizing files and documents.

This is most useful for you when combined with The Total Appointment Booking System as the two systems work well together as there’s a continuity in service for your patients and for you.

We will

  • Check Manage your emails and sort out your inbox into folders so important emails are easily accessible
  • CheckRespond to your email enquiries flagging any that require your input
  • CheckTranscribe your patient notes adding them to your clinical system
Sign-up here

Rapid Follow-Up Method

We know that responding to leads fast is so important to clinic growth. The likelihood is that people send an enquiry to multiple clinics, particularly when they are in pain and you need to be the first person to respond. Which means FAST before your competitor reaches them.

That’s not easy when leads can drop into your inbox, socials or live chat at any time of the day and it is impossible for you to respond quickly because you’re busy.

Research shows that leads degrade very quickly over a 24-hour period. It is almost seven times more likely that a lead will be qualified when they’re called within one hour and more than 60 times more likely than if the lead is left for 24 hours. That means the chance of converting a lead after just a few hours is slim.

This is why we designed the Rapid Follow-Up Method. Contacting your enquiry within 20 minutes puts you ahead of your competition and increases the likelihood of you having a new patient.

We will help you manage your enquiries by organizing and tracking them. This will help you to stay on top of your workload and ensure that each enquiry is responded to FAST and efficiently.

We will

  • Contact your enquiries WITHIN 20 MINUTES to have the best chance of converting your enquiry into a new patient.
  • Respond to your web, email, live chat and social enquiries
  • Keep in contact with the lead over an agreed period by phone, email and text

The Patient Reclamation Programme – Rekindling Patient Loyalty

Do you have patients on your list that have forgotten about you? They promised to come back and never did and you have no idea why.

Every clinic has lapsed patients sat in plain sight that could be making money for you!

You know the ones. Those patients that just disappeared. They said they’d come back but didn’t. You meant to call them, but time went on and you didn’t.

It’s expensive to get new patients. Whether you’re running paid ads or spending hours on social media content, it’s expensive. Patient retention is gold, and you will have patients on your list that have forgotten about you and would return in a flash if given a nudge. Everyone is busy and quite often, a nudge is all that’s needed to bring them back to you.

Over the past few months, we have been assisting clinics just like yours that are navigating these turbulent times. Growing their clinic by getting back lapsed patients and reducing their reliance on paid ads and endless fruitless hours spent on social media.

How does it all work?

This is a 3-month bespoke programme designed to rekindle the patients that have lapsed over the past 6 – 18 months.

We will have in-depth discussions with you to get a deep understanding of your clinic and patient behaviour and from that conversation, we will design a plan which you will sign off before the programme starts. The plan could include:

  • Check Bespoke Patient Survey
  • CheckDesigning offers
  • CheckPromoting new services that may be new to them
  • CheckEmail campaign
  • CheckLaunch campaign for new product or service
  • CheckTelephone/text/WhatsApp campaign
  • CheckSocial media campaign

These are a list of ideas, and they may not all be appropriate for you. Which is why it’s a bespoke programme.

How much is this all going to cost?

The total cost for the programme is £2400 ex VAT. This can be paid in 3 easy payments over 3 months by direct debit.

Sign-up here


(The Total Appointment Booking System & Rapid Follow-up Method)

Monthly FeeNumber of minutes included


(The Complete Insurance Management System & The Admin Management System)

Minimum Monthly FeeNumber of hours included monthly
Hourly Rate : £40 / hour

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