
What We Are NOT

December 2nd 2024

< 1 minute read

What We Are NOT
Written by LiveLink
December 2nd 2024
Reading Time: < 1 minute

What We Are NOT

What do I mean about What We Are Not?

I’m talking about messaging and the message your content gives to readers.

We’re all great at talking about what and who we are? What we’re good at? Why we’re good at it. And why it will help any prospective clients.

So let’s have a think about this.

If we want to differentiate ourselves from our competitors, isn’t it just as important to shout about what we are NOT?

What we don’t do. Who we are not. Even which competitors we’re different from.

This is exactly what Brewdog do. They are very very clear that they’re not Carling and attract the customers they want. And that’s not a Carling drinker.

Why is it a good idea to say what we’re not? (and who).

Because then you’re removing any comparisons – particularly around price.

As soon as people have a choice, your service or product is commodotised.

As soon as anything is commodotised then it makes it far harder to sell as your potential customers are immediately comparing you to others based entirely on price.

Attract the right people to you and then they want what you offer and the price becomes irrelevant.

Don’t believe me?

A handbag is just a handbag isn’t it?

Well, if it was then everyone would buy theirs from Primark and not Gucci wouldn’t they?

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